Monday, January 3, 2011

Want to win a free pair of earrings?

Its a New Year and I want to give you a New Pair of Feather earrings!

All you have to do is tell me your New Years Resloution! (Or that you have resolved not to make any if you haven't)  You can either visit my facebook page and leave a comment there or you're welcome to leave it here.

You can also get an additional entry by tweeting this contest or posting on facebook and linking back for two additional entries.

The drawing ends tomorrow, 1/4/2010! Thanks!



  1. Me, ME!! I do. I commented on your facebook. And I liked your page too!

  2. Oh, serious! I just saw your ending date. lol A day late and a dollar short. that's me. Now I gotta go see if I can delete my comment off facebook before anyone sees how silly I am!
